Current Residence: usa... (for now), and south korea
Favourite genre of music: Drum and Bass, trance, hiphop, jazz, funk, electronica
Favourite style of art: design/3d, 2d paintings, sculpture
Operating System: mac and windows
MP3 player of choice: ipod
Shell of choice: yellow.. (they make sand clouds)
Skin of choice: black (but if we're talkin about windows... neOS)
Favourite cartoon character: Excel excel, batman, vixen, Black Canary, Bob (my creation)
Personal Quote: Dan: PAI!!! Bob and I were making jello in the kitchen and now its alive!!!! IT HAS BOB!!!
Favourite Visual Artist
takahito harada, jim lee, adam hughes and a bunch of others
Favourite Movies
kung fu hustle, matrix series, bourne series, speed racer, LOTR series, goodellas, dazed n' con
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Justice, Pendulum, Shroombab
Favourite Writers
stephen chow(well he'a a director)
Favourite Games
kirby super star, panel de pon,
Favourite Gaming Platform
SNES, dreamcast and n64 are tied then 360
Tools of the Trade
3d studio max, maya, photoshop, corel, paper, pencil, pens (POSER IS FOR CHEAP POSERS!)
Other Interests
3d art, 2d art, drawing... stuff like that