Fenrir and TwigPaper-Piper on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/paper-piper/art/Fenrir-and-Twig-879330991Paper-Piper

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Fenrir and Twig



I got back into Harry Potter and decided to bring forth my first-ever OC, Twig (who is actually Hobble's first incarnation!)

I gave her a brand new look and am working on revamping her, because HOO BOI for my first-ever OC, she has a LOT of problems. 

Anyways, here's her with Fenrir Greyback, who ties very tightly into her original stories :) 

Some updated Twig facts!
Bisexual Pride Flag Shooting Star 

Stack of Books Her House is Slytherin.
+|F2U|+ Rose-gold Half Moon She has been to two previous Wizarding schools (Ilvermony and its charter school, Woodharrow) before coming to Hogwarts 
+|F2U|+ Rose-gold Rose BulletIt's hard for her to make friends her age, so she naturally gravitates to older people for company. Not always a good thing
Ornate Blue Potion Potions and Care of Magical Creatures are her favorite classes
  Bisexual Emoticon She's bisexual (and currently single)
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1600x1200px 692.96 KB
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