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Papayawhipped on DeviantArt
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WOW IT'S BEEN HOW LONG????(Don't tell me I know //cries)
So they're kinda like in a Gem Limbo right now, just nothing but bright light
I got my motivation back to do this again and want to see it through hopefully, life permitted of course
I know like 90% of you are here for this aND IM GONNA DELIVER, I know it's not much but it's a lot
I mean what can you do seeing your own child for the first time, I'd say cry.
PREVIOUS: Blinding Light
NOTE: I am well aware that it has been confirmed Steven will die if he poofs. This is an idea, thought, a "What if.." sort of thing. So no one has to comment to tell me, thanks B)
So they're kinda like in a Gem Limbo right now, just nothing but bright light
I got my motivation back to do this again and want to see it through hopefully, life permitted of course
I know like 90% of you are here for this aND IM GONNA DELIVER, I know it's not much but it's a lot
I mean what can you do seeing your own child for the first time, I'd say cry.
PREVIOUS: Blinding Light
NOTE: I am well aware that it has been confirmed Steven will die if he poofs. This is an idea, thought, a "What if.." sort of thing. So no one has to comment to tell me, thanks B)
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500x2598px 560.8 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Papayawhipped
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we cant have gone wrong we cant have disarmed we cant have more official stuff we cant have reunion why