How the Black Mage's eyes work by DukeofDummies, journal
How the Black Mage's eyes work
Well with Anime Detour officially over and a very successful test of the new eyes, I thought it's about time to to give people a rundown on how it works, what I used, and a peek behind the code. The code is going up onto Github, but I wanted to see if I couldn't get the wiring diagrams and parts list here, because I think it's a bit more user friendly. And infinitely better formatted than 20 Facebook posts. First off, List of materials used. One strip of side glow Neopixel LEDs. Really any set of Neopixels should work the same, this strip as of April 2019 has the highest pixels per inch though...
Feel free to use my stuff for whatever. I don't really care as long as you're not taking credit for it. Just give me a cut if you're making money off of it. I need to justify the otherwise waste of time that drawing has provided me.
Hey Guy, dont think you were at AN this year or I just missed you. But since then I was wondering if you did comissions? Wanted to get some more of your prints at AN but you know...