First ( and very ugly) fursuit!panther-star on DeviantArt

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panther-star's avatar

First ( and very ugly) fursuit!



Well, I think it looks better in RL, especially because my IPad doesn't take very good pictures. The nose though, I'm replacing with one that I just finished sculpting and it looks A LOT better. I had to fix the feet because after a whole day of walking in a fursuit WITHOUT pads on the bottom of the shoes wears out the toes. The toes on my right foot had fallen off, so I cleaned them after a very wet Halloween, hot glued the toes back on, then took a while to comb it and place the bottoms on. I also trimmed up all the extra fur and hot glued most places that weren't entirely on. I'll be finishing the last few places up and then I'll be done! I might fix the few seams though that are noticeable, but for the most part I'm a little more satisfied then before! I have to fix the few holes in one of my gloves though because EVERYONE WANTED TO WEAR THEM. I might also see if I can put a bell in my tail. And lastly, no, I can not fix that ear that is slightly off. Sorry guys. :( Anyways, thanks for reading! Oh and yes, my pajamas have Eyor on them. :3
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720x960px 151.38 KB
© 2013 - 2025 panther-star
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AxellineOfficial's avatar
aaaaaaaaw that's so fluffy!