My name is Milena and I'm from Poland.
Interested in all crafty stuff, I love experiencing new stuff and learning.
I also have a deep love for people and psychology, nothing serious tho.
I love meeting new people, so you can always feel free to talk to me, If you get to know me better I might come across as weird or maybe a little controversial, but im never bothered by someone's opinion. If its not harmful of course.
Im a melancholic, so it might be hard to be around me sometimes, even tho i don't usually make my burdens someone else's problems. I actually like to call myself understanding and calm, so really nothing to be afraid! I also have a deep love for photography, makeup, literally everything that helps me express myself.
I like collecting minerals, I love horror films and a lot of TV shows.
As you can see, nothing perticularly interesting, everything about me is pretty common, but its what I like.