Still herePanickedPanda on DeviantArt

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Still here



Sometimes I had doubts if posting these was ever a good idea, but ultimately, if we shut up, accept things the way they are, give up, then we have lost. 

The tech bros will say this is pathetic, or a waste of time, or just not going to work, but they want the path of least resistance, they want us to shut up so they can enjoy there new toy unchallenged, and its because they feel threatened. Which they should, this is not ethical technology, and there toy dose not justify exploitation of artists, and they know that. If they thought that it was totally fine and there was nothing we could do about it, they would not feel the need to put us down for shearing this. 

We need to keep speaking up, because if we stay quiet and this goes unchallenged then artists have truly lost, better to go down standing for something than simply do nothing and let this take over without resistance. 

Fundraisers still need support if you have the cash to spare.……

Also Howard Wimshurst on YouTube has made a really good series of videos on this that he's put into one long video essay that I'd highly recommend for people on ether side of the AI debate.…
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© 2023 - 2025 PanickedPanda
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Important news regarding AI regulation initiatives.

Concept Art Association (US initiative) has start to ask founds for year 2024. They need our help to regulate AI.

I link here both the projects.

United States project (year 2024)

European project (year 2023-2024)

This year we got great results, since we were able to obtain the first laws on generative AI by European Union and we have taken the discussion into US Congress.

However, even we were able to start the discussion and start the regulation process, is still important to continue to take our point of view during this process, to make more adapt and just regulation, in order to protects the rights of the artists.