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PandoraRose22 on DeviantArt
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Base by LinoleumItalics
Happy Easter guys!!
Each pony is 5-10
~Once you request It will be put on hold until you pay
~You have 2 days too pay
~Highest offer, works like an auction, I'll take highest bid. If noone offers higher, 2 days after the highest bid, I will give it to the highest bidder.
~Once bought, I give all rights to you, the only thing you can't do is sell it for more than what you bought (unless you have made lots of art with it)
1) Zodiac~ Aries --- NEW OWNER dracocrowshiin
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for aries. Female, Ram-Pony Hybrid. Has Body Armor/Jewelry 20
2) Zodiac~ Tauros --- NEW OWNER dracocrowshiin
Cutie mark is the Zodic symbol for Tauros. Male, Bull-Pony Hybrid. Nose Bridge and Ear Piercing 15
3) Zodiac~ Leo --- NEW OWNER lying-cake
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for Leo. Male, Lion-Pony Hybrid. Crown, Cape, and Gold bands 10
4) Zodiac~ Virgo --- NEW OWNER InuLover097
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for Virgo. Female, Alicorn. Scarves, Gold hair charm, gold arm band. 5
5) Zodiac~ Capricorn ---NEW OWNER XxCarlotaxX
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for Capricorn. Female, Aquatic Pony. Goat horns, Gold hair charm, Gold bands 5
6) Zodiac~ Custom
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for Zodiac of your choice. Male or Female? Colors of your choice, Zodiac and accessories of your choice being made for lying-cake
1) Easter Egg Pony (it says Candy, but ignore that)~ Hands out the eggs, and collects special eggs NEW OWNER DaringDragon
Female, 3 eggs for a cutie mark 5
2) Messiah Pony yes, its Jesus~ Spreads the word of his father, teaches right and wrongs, miracle worker, etc.
Male, Decorative Cross cutie mark 15 PandoraRose22
3) Spring Pony~ Spreads Spring fever, grows plants, practically is a plant. NEW OWNER anxiousanongirl
Female, Red flower Cutie Mark 20
4) Paint Pony~ Decorates eggs, and everything else Easter related NEW OWNER LeoxLinx
Male, No actual cutie mark, but orange paint splatters instead 5
5) Chocolate Rabbit Pony~ Makes Chocolate, IS alive, If you eat parts of her she makes new parts (can't eat head or chocolate heart. Isn't Hollow inside NEW OWNER Rurtle
Female, 2 Cocoa beans Cutie Mark, 15
6)Easter Spring Custom~
You decide Gender, what to base it off of (eggs, paint, chocolate, etc.), colors, anything else---- 5
Since this is so old it shall be closed until further notice ;u;
Cutie Marks for them all are next to their Nicknames
You can try and make it cheaper, if its 15 points and you have 10, i'll be willing to accept that.
Points only though
Miss out on these?? here are some more
Happy Easter guys!!
Each pony is 5-10
~Once you request It will be put on hold until you pay
~You have 2 days too pay
~Highest offer, works like an auction, I'll take highest bid. If noone offers higher, 2 days after the highest bid, I will give it to the highest bidder.
~Once bought, I give all rights to you, the only thing you can't do is sell it for more than what you bought (unless you have made lots of art with it)
1) Zodiac~ Aries --- NEW OWNER dracocrowshiin
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for aries. Female, Ram-Pony Hybrid. Has Body Armor/Jewelry 20
2) Zodiac~ Tauros --- NEW OWNER dracocrowshiin
Cutie mark is the Zodic symbol for Tauros. Male, Bull-Pony Hybrid. Nose Bridge and Ear Piercing 15
3) Zodiac~ Leo --- NEW OWNER lying-cake
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for Leo. Male, Lion-Pony Hybrid. Crown, Cape, and Gold bands 10
4) Zodiac~ Virgo --- NEW OWNER InuLover097
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for Virgo. Female, Alicorn. Scarves, Gold hair charm, gold arm band. 5
5) Zodiac~ Capricorn ---NEW OWNER XxCarlotaxX
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for Capricorn. Female, Aquatic Pony. Goat horns, Gold hair charm, Gold bands 5
6) Zodiac~ Custom
Cutie mark is the Zodiac symbol for Zodiac of your choice. Male or Female? Colors of your choice, Zodiac and accessories of your choice being made for lying-cake
1) Easter Egg Pony (it says Candy, but ignore that)~ Hands out the eggs, and collects special eggs NEW OWNER DaringDragon
Female, 3 eggs for a cutie mark 5
2) Messiah Pony yes, its Jesus~ Spreads the word of his father, teaches right and wrongs, miracle worker, etc.
Male, Decorative Cross cutie mark 15 PandoraRose22
3) Spring Pony~ Spreads Spring fever, grows plants, practically is a plant. NEW OWNER anxiousanongirl
Female, Red flower Cutie Mark 20
4) Paint Pony~ Decorates eggs, and everything else Easter related NEW OWNER LeoxLinx
Male, No actual cutie mark, but orange paint splatters instead 5
5) Chocolate Rabbit Pony~ Makes Chocolate, IS alive, If you eat parts of her she makes new parts (can't eat head or chocolate heart. Isn't Hollow inside NEW OWNER Rurtle
Female, 2 Cocoa beans Cutie Mark, 15
You decide Gender, what to base it off of (eggs, paint, chocolate, etc.), colors, anything else---- 5
Since this is so old it shall be closed until further notice ;u;
Cutie Marks for them all are next to their Nicknames
You can try and make it cheaper, if its 15 points and you have 10, i'll be willing to accept that.
Points only though
Miss out on these?? here are some more
Image size
879x320px 58.14 KB
© 2014 - 2025 PandoraRose22
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Can i take 6 on Row 2?