Hello, I'm Pandora
I draw a lot of OC and AU art, and that's basically it. But other things include SCP and FNAF for the most part :/
I'm on Tumblr [main] [transformers side blog] [FNAF side blog] & Fur Affinity.
I'm not very outgoing, I down right suck at explaining things (so ya get a lot of links to things)
I get really nervous when talking to people (it's 10 times worse when I'm talking to amazing artist who inspire me [ example of all of the people I watch] )
listening to music help me imagine things and also come up with ideas for a next picture
my taste in music is a little random.
I also swear a lot, so be warned.
I love thunderstorms~🌧🌩🌧
my favorite color is purple. •-•
Mayenic got Deactivated!
Hello There! How Are You?
You Make Some Really Good Art!
Also, I Hope I Don’t Sound Rude When Saying This But, Are You Able to Accept Any Requests?
If So, Are You Comfortable with Them Being Transformation Related?
It’s OK If you Say No…
I Hope You Understand.
howdy, I'm...ok I guess just a lil stressed.
but I'm sorry to say but no, I am currently not accepting free requests at this time. maybe sometime in the future I will.
OK. That’s completely understandable.
Thank you anyway.
Thanks for the fave!
Sorry to come outta nowhere, but I freakin’ love your art style.
Thank you for the favorite! ' v '