Glow Week Day 4: Nature | Nurturepandan009 on DeviantArt

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Glow Week Day 4: Nature | Nurture



Glow Week Day 4
| Nurture

Steven would be the type of fella who playfully teases his spouse as a form of flirting/affection. (Idk why I think that. But that's what I feel like he would operate. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ ) He knows that she knows all his tickle spots but that doesn't stop him.

Okay this was to supposedly be about how Connie was raised to be prim and proper but she's just naturally a feral child, while Steven who was frequently surrounded by acts of violence still keep being more inclined to chose the peaceful method.

Then I realized I made Connie look like Steve Irwin. 😭

And, like, what the hell. I'm just going to run with that. Lol The first idea was probably better but.... this is much easier to make dialogue for.

Headcanon: Connie would just throw in together whatever clothes that felt comfortable or practical at the moment. The reason why she had the pretty dresses when she was younger was because her mom picked them out for her. She still does like to look nice, pretty, or handsome. She's just not one to be that much bothered in making a lot of effort to be. Lol That day, she unintentionally don the Steve Irwin look.

Meanwhile Steven is the better dressed one (probably influenced by Pearl?) He almost always consider the colors, the type of fabric, the shape, how the garment looks together with the ones he already has before buying it. He'll know which jacket will look best with the pants, the accessories that matches your attire, the make up that looks good with the weather, etc. (Just imagine I drew Steven in better looking clothing tho.

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GamzeenMakaral's avatar

Connie shut down so fast when he said that