I'm no longer as active as I used to be, so don't expect much.
Please do not ask regarding logo remakes, their respective files, requests of them or hell, any free stuff in general.
Where is WarnerBros. NEW style.blend
Link for NBC model
Your name is like Pajama Sam.
Link the 20th Century Pictures inc. 1933 improved.blend on dannerz3D found in the AVID Server.
hi, please stop flooding my profile comments with your requests. this will be your only warning.
MediaFire Links to "Fox_Interactive_1970.blend and Cinemascope_logo_1950s_fox.blend and 20th_Century_Pictures_Inc._Logo_1930s_REMAKE.blend and 20th_Century_Pictures_Inc._Logo_1930s_REMAKE_1.blend and 20th_Century_Pictures_Inc._1933_improved.blend and 20th_Century_Fox_Records_logo_remake_1978.blend and 20th_Century_Fox_real_version.blend and 20th_Century_Fox_Logo.blend and 20th_Century_Fox_Logo (1).blend and MCA_Universal_Home_Video_1990_improved.blend"?
Sorry, It's no longer active!