wow, something that *isn't* a part upload?PaciSystem on DeviantArt

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wow, something that *isn't* a part upload?



Can you tell that I'm extremely out of practice with assembling models from parts?

I felt like going back to our roots here, for no discernible reason whatsoever. I don't think it's nostalgia or anything sentimental like that.

Most of these parts are from GLaDOS-Senpai/Vespa (King's Raid)/NCSoft (Blade & Soul), but the tank top was ripped from The Sims 4 (EA/Maxis). The base and hair are made in VRoid by me, primarily out of boredom and experimentation.

I have no idea what to do with this model, actually. If it were fandom specific like these models used to be, I might've had something to do with it, but I don't even really have a name for this character.
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2500x3000px 1.25 MB
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