Laugh at the Girl who Loves too EasilyPaardjee on DeviantArt

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Laugh at the Girl who Loves too Easily



Oh God dare I even say this? 


Well say hello to my new girl Rebekah! :la: Or Noelle xD I'm still doubting between those two names :giggle:
So yes actually not brand new. I designed her months ago but never got around to drawing her. There's still a lot of characters like that just hiding on my computer just waiting to be introduced to DA. 

But this girl finally made it! :dummy: She's a pretty girl who's had her heart broken a few times too many. She keeps on falling in love and then getting hurt. Nevertheless she believes that she'll meet the right guy someday but slowly but surely she is getting more wary. 

You might recognize the title from the Vampire Diaries, it's a quote from Rebekah and I really liked that scene. I thought this quote fitted my girl quite well c: She's not supposed to be Rebekah from the Vampire Diaries though. I just really like that name, especially the way Klaus pronounces it :eyes:

Aaaannnd this girl is open for RP :la: If you're interested link me to a stallion of yours and I'll pick out the one I think would go best with Rebekah/Noelle :meow: Also Rebekeah or Noelle? What do you guys think?

I hope you'll like her though!

Rebekah/Noelle & Art: Me Paardjee
Pose Reference: Google Image.
Image size
794x1077px 366.41 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Paardjee
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