-Hiya there, Visitor.
I'm just a girl who likes to draw and loves dragons and anything fantasy. I'm also really shy so I don't often reply, but I do read and greatly appreciate any comments!
Go here if you're thinking of commissioning art from me!
Commissions > Closed <
Art Trades > Ask <
Requests > Closed <
Commissions open pretty randomly depending on if I'm feeling up to drawing, and I prioritise NZD commissions over art trades
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ozanthium
You are awesome.
Hi! I saw all your art and I wanted to know if you want to join my friends group. It's all WOF art -here's the link:
Ayo! I was wondering if you'd want to do an art trade!
Whose Blue-Rea?
Happy last birthday
I'm holding a WOF MAP and I was wondering if you would like to join?