Owgels-world's avatar


Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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SinGambino's avatar

Heya there, this species is slowly reviving!
I'll be slowly working on the species behind scenes but you can watch the progress on the discord group!
You can find the new DA group as well as a link tree to find everything!
This is a massive wip so hang tight.
This species will be discord and toyhouse group, you'll need both of these socials to join!
New DA group: https://www.deviantart.com/owgels-official
Linktree: https://officialowgels.carrd.co/

4uth0r's avatar
Is this species/group still active? I would like to make my own, but I have yet to see if this group is still going.
Opalesthine's avatar
I no longer desire my owgel and kinda,, didn't want to just throw them away. Only doing trades/art for them cause it'd feel wrong to take money or points.

but ahh yeh toyhou.se/6542556.mida Owgel MYO: 98 by M4st3rL1st
AdamS3's avatar
Ah yes, a historical land mark 
baby-and-popgoes's avatar
please stop sending comments by asking questions here, the group has moved
the new group is this
House-Of-Demons's avatar
would you still be able to buy and add traits?
Kemoyagi's avatar
I'm selling/rehoming my Owgel! toyhou.se/4219861.stroll

I designed her (My old account is Noodleteeth) She should be on the old masterlist as she was fully approved; and if anyone needs me to do something to confirm she's sold I will ^^ 

No set price, just taking offers. I don't use her and want to see her loved