Erma Strip #23OUTCASTComix on DeviantArt

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Erma Strip #23



Hey guys. Usually around Tuesdays, I would post a preview of tomorrow's Erma comic on my social media sites. However, as some may have noticed, the usual weekend strip was not posted recently. Long story short, there were some technical issues on my side and some schedule difficulties with finals at college and all. I had meant to post this to coincide with both the Krampus movie and the celebratory festival going on around the folklore. Not to worry, the usual Erma comic will be posted tomorrow as of every Wednesday. Despite the finals, that does not give me the excuse to skip out on the next weekends to come. So I'll make sure that the strips will be coming out as usually scheduled.

Thanks guys, for sticking with me for this long and for those doing their finals, I wish you the best of luck.

- Brandon
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Krampus: (stunned) You’re… giving me cookies and milk?

(Erma nods.)

Krampus: No child has… ever been kind to me before.