The Alchemy of NickelOuroborealis on DeviantArt

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Ouroborealis's avatar

The Alchemy of Nickel



This one was one of my first attempts at a colored etching. I think I have room to improve lol.

Nickel creates a strange bluish - pink glaze when the correct chemicals are present, as if the chemicals are painfully tugging nickel into a certain form.

Like Cobalt, nickel was considered a sinful metal, which contaminated silver, so it was given the name Kumfernickel (sp?) by early chemists. Its more passive tendencies lead me to use it as a symbol for pain (a passive bad thing), unlike malevolence (an aggressive bad thing).

Barium and zinc stretch its arms out invoking the bright pink and blue colors. The remaining symbols are stablizers- they keep the glaze from melting off the piece, and give it a body (silica).

Again, this is a formula for an actual glaze, encoded in alchemy. I used this glaze, "Pain" on "Chronic Depression".
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1896x2648px 6.27 MB
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CareBearSlayer's avatar
This is a truly wonderful piece of work. The thought put into this bleeds inspiration.