[BBAD] ''Lucy''.Our-S on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/our-s/art/BBAD-Lucy-407802121Our-S

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[BBAD] ''Lucy''.



Hey Lucy, I remember your name...
I left a dozen roses on your grave today;
I'm in the grass on my knees, wipe the leaves away;
I just came to talk for a while,
I got some things, I need to say...

Now that it's over,
I just wanna hold her,
I'd give up all the world to see,
That little piece of heaven looking back at me;
Now that it's over,
I just wanna hold her;
I've gotta live with the choices I made,
And I can't live with myself today...

Skillet - Lucy

Wagtail a perdu Icepaws et a un mal fou à s'en remettre. Il ne déborde plus d'autant de joie qu'avant, gardant pourtant espoir de revoir sa compagne un jour. Il attend patiemment son retour.

Je pense que Lucy était appropriée à ce dessin.
Everything was made by me.
Image size
1600x1200px 999.42 KB
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Safaroni's avatar
Aww ): thats sad
buy good job on it tho