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Deviation Actions
Name: Splattershot Jr.
Owner: SS: Bump the Hybrid
Class: Shooter
Sub: Splat Bomb
Special: Ink Armor
Range: 3/6
Damage: 3/6
Fire Rate: 4/6
Creator: Starter Weapon / Technically Yaki
Brand: N/A
- Built from a kit for Bump as a child by Yaki, this Splattershot Jr has seen better days for sure. The orange color has come off over the years, but the additions many different stickers have helped the weapon still look cool... in Bump's eyes. The Weapon shorts out a lot, and instead of letting Yaki build her a new one vs repairing it, Bump is determined to keep this one, as it's special to her, as she asked Yaki for it when she wanted to become a battler as a small child.
Owner: SS: Bump the Hybrid
Class: Shooter
Sub: Splat Bomb
Special: Ink Armor
Range: 3/6
Damage: 3/6
Fire Rate: 4/6
Creator: Starter Weapon / Technically Yaki
Brand: N/A
- Built from a kit for Bump as a child by Yaki, this Splattershot Jr has seen better days for sure. The orange color has come off over the years, but the additions many different stickers have helped the weapon still look cool... in Bump's eyes. The Weapon shorts out a lot, and instead of letting Yaki build her a new one vs repairing it, Bump is determined to keep this one, as it's special to her, as she asked Yaki for it when she wanted to become a battler as a small child.
Image size
1002x1052px 513.21 KB
© 2018 - 2025 OtaPotato
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