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Su rostro estaba en todos lados, era difícil no notarla, su piel como de porcelana esculpida por manos etéreas, sin ningún tipo de marca o cicatriz, o su cabello tan oscuro que hacían que sus ojos lucieran como zafiros bañados por el cielo nocturno, aunque lo que mas le llamaba la atención a Flug era la sonrisa tan radiante que siempre tenia.
Una cara tan tierna y carismática para ser la de un villano, aunque eso le facilitaba las cosas cuando de modelaje se trataba.
No sabia las intenciones de Black Hat al contratar a alguien para que se encargara de la publicidad, tal vez fueron los constantes fallos de Flug, pero ella fue la mejor decisión que pudieron haber tomado, pues desde que ella tomo el puesto, los clientes comenzaron a demostrar una reacción positiva.
Ahora que habían tomado la decisión de ponerla directamente en un anuncio en una de las convenciones, parecía que varios se veían atraídos por ella y terminaban por convertirse en clientes de la tan infame organización, pues aunque Black Hat fuera tan respetado y buscado, podía ser intimidante verlo, en cambio un rostro dulce daba confianza y provocaba que la gente se acercara por mera curiosidad.
A pesar de eso, para Flug era un poco tortuoso, pues ahora no podía evitar pensar en ella y en lo hermosa que se veía sonriéndole a Cam-Bot, haciendo que naciera una fuerte necesidad por verla de nuevo, por ser contagiado por su expresión tan radiante, por sentir su corazón acelerarse y sus mejillas sonrojarse debajo de la bolsa.
Y pensar que para esa foto en especifico, el la hizo reír con un chiste tan malo que no valía la pena recordar, ¿Tan fácil era?, ¿O solo era fácil para el?
De verdad deseaba que si, que le dedicara una de sus sonrisas sinceras, aquellas que hace que sus ojos formen hermosas medias lunas, aquellas que hacían que sus mejillas se esponjaran cual nubes de algodón.
Por ahora, solo podía verla en los anuncios publicitarios, al menos, hasta que terminara de trabajar y regresara a la mansión otra vez, casi podía imaginarla a la perfección jugando con 5.0.5 y sus peluches.
Esperaba ansiosamente poder llegar y verla reír otra vez.
Her face was everywhere, it was hard not to notice her, her porcelain-like skin sculpted by ethereal hands, without any kind of mark or scar, or her dark hair that made her eyes look like sapphires bathed in the night sky, although what caught Flug's attention the most was the radiant smile she always had.
Such a sweet and charismatic face for a villain, although that made things easier for her when it came to modeling.
Flug didn't know Black Hat's intentions in hiring someone to take care of the publicity, maybe it was because of Flug's constant failures, but she was the best decision they could have made, because since she took the position, clients started showing a positive reaction.
Now that they had made the decision to put her directly in an advertisement at one of the conventions, it seemed that several people were drawn to her and ended up becoming clients of the infamous organization, because even though Black Hat was so respected and sought after, he could be intimidating to look at, whereas a sweet face inspired trust and made people approach out of mere curiosity.
Despite that, it was a bit torturous for Flug because now he couldn't help but think about her and how beautiful she looked smiling at Cam-Bot, creating a strong need to see her again, to be infected by her radiant expression, to feel his heart race and his cheeks blush beneath the bag.
And to think that for that specific photo, he made her laugh with a joke so bad it wasn't worth remembering. Was it really that easy? Or was it just easy for him?
He truly wished it was, that she would dedicate one of her sincere smiles to him, the ones that made her eyes form beautiful crescent moons, the ones that made her cheeks puff up like cotton clouds.
For now, he could only see her in the advertisements, at least until he finished working and returned to the mansion again. He could almost imagine her perfectly playing with 5.0.5 and her plush toys.
He anxiously looked forward to arriving and seeing her laugh again.
Una cara tan tierna y carismática para ser la de un villano, aunque eso le facilitaba las cosas cuando de modelaje se trataba.
No sabia las intenciones de Black Hat al contratar a alguien para que se encargara de la publicidad, tal vez fueron los constantes fallos de Flug, pero ella fue la mejor decisión que pudieron haber tomado, pues desde que ella tomo el puesto, los clientes comenzaron a demostrar una reacción positiva.
Ahora que habían tomado la decisión de ponerla directamente en un anuncio en una de las convenciones, parecía que varios se veían atraídos por ella y terminaban por convertirse en clientes de la tan infame organización, pues aunque Black Hat fuera tan respetado y buscado, podía ser intimidante verlo, en cambio un rostro dulce daba confianza y provocaba que la gente se acercara por mera curiosidad.
A pesar de eso, para Flug era un poco tortuoso, pues ahora no podía evitar pensar en ella y en lo hermosa que se veía sonriéndole a Cam-Bot, haciendo que naciera una fuerte necesidad por verla de nuevo, por ser contagiado por su expresión tan radiante, por sentir su corazón acelerarse y sus mejillas sonrojarse debajo de la bolsa.
Y pensar que para esa foto en especifico, el la hizo reír con un chiste tan malo que no valía la pena recordar, ¿Tan fácil era?, ¿O solo era fácil para el?
De verdad deseaba que si, que le dedicara una de sus sonrisas sinceras, aquellas que hace que sus ojos formen hermosas medias lunas, aquellas que hacían que sus mejillas se esponjaran cual nubes de algodón.
Por ahora, solo podía verla en los anuncios publicitarios, al menos, hasta que terminara de trabajar y regresara a la mansión otra vez, casi podía imaginarla a la perfección jugando con 5.0.5 y sus peluches.
Esperaba ansiosamente poder llegar y verla reír otra vez.
Her face was everywhere, it was hard not to notice her, her porcelain-like skin sculpted by ethereal hands, without any kind of mark or scar, or her dark hair that made her eyes look like sapphires bathed in the night sky, although what caught Flug's attention the most was the radiant smile she always had.
Such a sweet and charismatic face for a villain, although that made things easier for her when it came to modeling.
Flug didn't know Black Hat's intentions in hiring someone to take care of the publicity, maybe it was because of Flug's constant failures, but she was the best decision they could have made, because since she took the position, clients started showing a positive reaction.
Now that they had made the decision to put her directly in an advertisement at one of the conventions, it seemed that several people were drawn to her and ended up becoming clients of the infamous organization, because even though Black Hat was so respected and sought after, he could be intimidating to look at, whereas a sweet face inspired trust and made people approach out of mere curiosity.
Despite that, it was a bit torturous for Flug because now he couldn't help but think about her and how beautiful she looked smiling at Cam-Bot, creating a strong need to see her again, to be infected by her radiant expression, to feel his heart race and his cheeks blush beneath the bag.
And to think that for that specific photo, he made her laugh with a joke so bad it wasn't worth remembering. Was it really that easy? Or was it just easy for him?
He truly wished it was, that she would dedicate one of her sincere smiles to him, the ones that made her eyes form beautiful crescent moons, the ones that made her cheeks puff up like cotton clouds.
For now, he could only see her in the advertisements, at least until he finished working and returned to the mansion again. He could almost imagine her perfectly playing with 5.0.5 and her plush toys.
He anxiously looked forward to arriving and seeing her laugh again.
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1100x630px 124.39 KB
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