EllyOtakatt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/otakatt/art/Elly-491829273Otakatt

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A portrait of Elly! Appropriate for Halloween methinks.
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818x870px 443.02 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Otakatt
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hiroshiparadox's avatar
How does this still have no comments? >__<

This is GORGEOUS! *____* There's so much awesome going on here.

I think one of the first things of yours I came across was another Halloween pic of Elly a couple years back, and I always thought her design was really cute. But you really pushed it further here!

Her expression is amazing! I LOVE her eyes! There's this BIG sense of excitement in her eyes! They seem so bright and alive and bursting with energy! I love what you did with the eyes. And I love how they work with her biiiiiiiig smile! That smile is ADORABLE. You can almost hear a cute, happy laugh as she opens her lips and flashes that dazzling smile. I like the way you've drawn her teeth, and I like the soft look her lips have.

Her head and face as a whole look great. I like the way you "posed" her face is strong -- you composed it to show her face at an angle, a bit from the side, and her head it looking up a bit, too. It makes her expression, her look more active, more engaging than if she were just looking straight ahead.

Her hair is soooooooo pretty! I love that bright, warm red color -- and I love the bright highlights reflected in it. I like how it falls around her face in this loose, light, lifelike way, and I love the energy as it flows down behind her shoulder and around in front of her. It's so pretty -- it has a great sense of motion and feels like mix of a river moving around or flames, with the loose strands and the highlights seeming like flickering embers. You did an awesome job with the hair.

Her outfit is sooo cute, especially the big, floofy witch's hat. I love how the brim of it droops over her head, casting some shadows on her face. I also like the craggly shape of the tip of the hat as it droops down. It looks so cute and a lot more interesting than a stiffer, more rigidly shaped hat. And the little jack-o-lantern ornament on the band of her hat...super cute! I also like how that ornament has a shinier look to it.

The cut of her top is cute....the heart-shaped opening in the front.

I like the pose of her hand. I like that excited way she's pointing her finger and her thumb, like she's just sparked to life, remembering something exciting and going "oh yeah! :D " lol I like that you drew her fingers long and slender like that. I think, maybe, her thumb should've branched out from the hand a little lower than it is, and that would be my only critique of this, I think...but even so, I think the way you drew her hand was a good choice.

Gahhh.....I like this so much! Her expression, especially, just blows me away. I think this is one of my favorites things of yours I've seen since I've followed you -- there's so much personality and excitement on her face. Amazing. :+fav: