2015 EllyOtakatt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/otakatt/art/2015-Elly-566814796Otakatt

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2015 Elly



Finished up my Elly picture! She's always an appropriate subject to draw around this time of year. I had no idea what to do for the background so I just kinda winged it/scribbled something. I tried incorporating a lot of black into the lineart as well, but I'm not sure that's a style I can pull off. I've seen others do it beautifully, but when I try it doesn't seem nearly as striking. XD
Image size
1055x1123px 419.14 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Otakatt
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KyleJCrb's avatar
Yay Elly! Her hair is especially gorgeous, and the colors in general work really nice. The background is awesome, very fitting for Halloween.