Movie Marathonota290 on DeviantArt

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ota290's avatar

Movie Marathon



Sleepovers at The Crypt and coercing your moirail to take a break from days of work to relax and maybe watch some shows (mostly archaeological documentaries) that might appeal to him.

Spending all my free time drawing as much as I can. I really missed drawing these two, aaaahhh. Next up a certain meeting with a certain moirail's kismesis...

Kayven Skriee belongs to :iconxenomorphicdragon:
Image size
800x800px 223.96 KB
© 2018 - 2025 ota290
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XenomorphicDragon's avatar
This much adorableness should be illegal. 
I'm loving this so much, his pjs, his messy makeup, the fact he's holding her while she sleeps while fighting sleep himself is just so perfect. xD
You're really capturing just how Kayven would act with her around. ;w;