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  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (60)
Light was streaming at the corner of No Name's closed eyes. Their body slowly stirred to a harsh pounding against their head. They slowly woke up, groaning softly at the harsh pain both from the light and their body. The memories of the previous night slowly coming back to them. They were poisoned, but... They were still alive. How?They hear faint thumping on the grassy floor, pained purple tinted eyes looking over. There were... Bushies. The cute bush like bunnies. What were they doing around those parts of the forest? It wasn't likely for them to be deep in those parts. But then again.... They weren't in the same area as before so.... Wh...
anonymous's avatar
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With the quest done, and the child returned, No Name successfully finished the quest. And also made a new friend. And all done in just half a day. Sadly, they can't finish all the quests in one go. So, they'll settle with finishing another one before heading home to rest up for the rest on the list. Poisonous Froggies was next. It would be quite the challenge, since they have to handle cute, yet dangerous hopping frogs. They hope to not get poisoned, but if they do, they were sure their cure spell is strong enough for the type of poison they spew out.When No Name set out to do the task at the pond, they didn't expect such a large group to ...
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Another journey was afoot as No Name successfully finished all the quest in Coral Beach, as well as defeating the final boss of the land with nothing but pure luck. They weren't so sure how much luck was left in their Keeper's good grace, but they shan't let it get to them. They were perfectly capable of doing the next world's quests simply on wit and compassion."Let's see what's next on the quest list, maybe I can finish all of them in just one day." The little healer mused positively as they checked their quest log for the next land, "Floral Forest... Hm, these quests seem more appropriate for Charmer class... But as one who vowed to tre...
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catastrophe-witch's avatar

Hey I know its been years and that you might not even be on this account anymore, however! I'm peeping over to let you know that FS is back up and running if you'd ever like to join in~!

Though I 100% understand if it's something you're not interested in anymore XD

TFMgal222's avatar
Ota... Do you know why fevil left?? Pinkz is very sad-- And I can't always be there for here. Even if you can just contact fevil- to get a small answer. That's all I want... Who am I kidding- I am fucking selfish-- I might just you know- delete this after..
ota290's avatar
Hun... I think we need to talk about this with Pinkz somewhere. It's time to tell you guys something.
TFMgal222's avatar
Well, pinkz is at school.. Are you able to tell me in notes and ill tell pinkz when she gets back?
ota290's avatar
Of course. I'll send it right over.
XenomorphicDragon's avatar
Hey there :D
Just checking in if you would like Carina and Kayven to be moirails. I know it was spoken of but not sure if you wanted them to be. If not, I'll keep his moirail spot open then. :3
ota290's avatar
I'd be honored to have Carina as the death troll's moirail ^-^
They both need it.