OroroMunroeFanClub's avatar


...blessed goddess!
Years Ago
428 Members455 Watchers

Comments 54

anonymous's avatar
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brandoncardoza's avatar

I love storm design:+favlove:

Tyrannuss555's avatar
Is this group alive?
Marge62's avatar
Thank you for having me join!! Are there any in the group that really worship Storm as a Goddess? Would like to know!
StarKite1's avatar
Thank you for accepting me.:)
DerekL's avatar
Thanks for the add, folks!
vladko92's avatar
Here is one of my colorized drawing, the art is not mine, however the colorization is my personal addition, I hope you like it and let me know what you think about it. :) 

Cause I am not Premium, I can't add it in my comment, but feel free to check my profile, and see it yourself! It's my very first fully colorized drawing, I do hope you like it and be nice!