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Character Princess Celestia
"Sister, the very existance of your mane is the sole reason why mane conditioner is the number one import in Equestria!"
~ Princess Luna
~ Princess Luna
I hesitate to call this a series, because then I'd be obligated to make more, but I've recently been possessed by the urge to mash all of my favourite horse headcanons together into one horse-shaped divine monstrousity. The Oriverse's facet of them, if you will. Celestia is of course best princess, so she gets to go first.
Bullet point factoids for fun:
Bullet point factoids for fun:
- Secretly Sunset's mum. Look, she has the same eyes as her!
- The strength of an alicorn's magic is expressed through their hair. As Celestia is the head princess of Equestria, the length of her mane is obscene.
- It'd be hell to animate, but Celestia's mane still moves ethereally, and doesn't appear to really weigh her down at all.
- She'd have to be using city-melting levels of magic, but her mane can start moving like it does in the show, up in the air. Think "Twilight when she was overloading on alicorn magic," but taller.
- An alicorn's halo appears when they're preforming a grand feat of magic, I just have it showing her because it's pretty.
- She doesn't step down as Equestria's matriarch in this universe smh
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4000x2221px 2.6 MB
© 2022 - 2025 Orin331
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Just to let you know that this person stole your design of Celestia: