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"Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east."
Just kidding, what I was ACTUALLY stealing from in this pic is an Adam Hughs pic of Boba Fett: [link]
But I just wanted to something quick and fun to practice digital coloring.
This is Edmund, a character from my eternally-upcoming steampunk comic Impending Doom. Basically I have this airship crew where originally all the members were based on my friends and I...then I realized that there was only one guy to like 5 girls. Not wanting it to turn into Tenchi in Steampunkland I shuffled things around and made a guy character not based on anyone I knew, but rather the kind of character I would fangirl over. Man I'm selfish. ^_^ He's actually an interesting dude, but maybe I'll say more about him later.
Just kidding, what I was ACTUALLY stealing from in this pic is an Adam Hughs pic of Boba Fett: [link]
But I just wanted to something quick and fun to practice digital coloring.
This is Edmund, a character from my eternally-upcoming steampunk comic Impending Doom. Basically I have this airship crew where originally all the members were based on my friends and I...then I realized that there was only one guy to like 5 girls. Not wanting it to turn into Tenchi in Steampunkland I shuffled things around and made a guy character not based on anyone I knew, but rather the kind of character I would fangirl over. Man I'm selfish. ^_^ He's actually an interesting dude, but maybe I'll say more about him later.
Image size
508x714px 371.22 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Oriana132
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Nice coloring on this piece.