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Feeding my TEF obsession~
I really wasn't sure on whether or not I should post this up here, but eventually I figured wot the heck xD;
So this was my first deer, Pyrrheus <3 I really adore him, and he's one of my 3 main TEF deer that I use 8D
He wears the long grey coat, the real deer mask and the real deer antlers. I was debating between making him look fully like a deer, or keeping the TEF element in his ref - as you can see, I decided on the latter
Anywho, hope you guys like!
And if anybody out there has TEF, COME JOIN MEEE
I really wasn't sure on whether or not I should post this up here, but eventually I figured wot the heck xD;
So this was my first deer, Pyrrheus <3 I really adore him, and he's one of my 3 main TEF deer that I use 8D
He wears the long grey coat, the real deer mask and the real deer antlers. I was debating between making him look fully like a deer, or keeping the TEF element in his ref - as you can see, I decided on the latter
Anywho, hope you guys like!
And if anybody out there has TEF, COME JOIN MEEE
Image size
323x418px 43.13 KB
© 2012 - 2025 orengel
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