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FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker Celebration Contest by team, journal

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Digital Art
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (185)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Just an artist, currently struggling through life, trying to find a way to appreciate the things I love and contribute to all!

Favourite Visual Artist
Lots of them
Favourite Movies
Lots of animation
Favourite TV Shows
Ugly Betty, Glee
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
As long as it's worth listening to, I'll listen to it.
Favourite Books
Too many to count.
Favourite Writers
Khaled Hosseini
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy VII, Sengoku Basara, Samurai Warriors, Guilty Gear, Ace Attorney, Psychic Force
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, PSP, Nintendo DS
Tools of the Trade
Open Canvas, Painter SAI, Adobe Photoshop and lots of black pens!
Other Interests
Videogames, Character Design, Anime, Manga
Hi folks! Just updated my art tumblr with a nice little "How To", which I hope will be useful to anyone looking to use my art. You can find it here: http://orchidias.tumblr.com/howtousemywork!Copying and pasting from there:All of my art will be posted at the following sites:☆ orchidias.deviantart.com [ right here! ] ☆ pixiv.com [ http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=32343421 ] ☆ orchidias.tumblr.com [ http://orchidias.tumblr.com/ ]And some edits will go on crescend.tumblr.com (my main journal)!Please always source and credit my work (with a link to the original) if you will post it, do not deface or use the fanart f...
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So recently I've been facing a bit of a dilemma, especially in regards to my art from pixiv being uploaded to a deviantart account with a linkback, but it does pose the question- when it's clear that the art is not by you, why are you uploading it at all?I ask this because art that I had not posted to dA was reposted here (without my permission, as well)- being fanart, I'd even be okay with some reuse as I'm not making money off it, and neither is the user, but even so. I didn't want it up on dA for a reason. The artworks in question are here, uploaded without my permission by :devWangYiSanniang: :- :thumb272022505: - :thumb272023130: ...
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I know I haven't posted in forever, but then again |D If anyone is still following me and a fan of the Samurai Warriors series by KOEI, then please take a moment to spread the word for the localization and release of Samurai Warriors 3Z/XL and Samurai Warriors 3: Empires overseas.As of E3, KOEI is saying that they won't be releasing these games due to poor sales of Samurai Warriors 3 on the Wii, which in my personal opinion, was the best installment of the Samurai Warriors/Sengoku Musou series. Considering that most if not all SW fans own PS2/PS3s, it isn't like there's a lack of interest in the series, but a release on the PS3 pla...
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Profile Comments 759

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UkyoDragoon's avatar
BWGCQ1Qstar's avatar
Happy Birthday! ! ! ! 

Be happy on Your Specail Day & Make it a amazing great day of it!!!~~

Birthday cake  icon Kao Emoji-16 (Happy Birthday) [V1] Birthday cupcake Happy Birthday Xak Pink bouncing cake Diddy Kong Party Time 
Thanks for the fave! :)
Kiara-Valentine's avatar
Morrigansfury's avatar
wadamen's avatar
thank you for the fav