2099 in Shattered DimensionsOracledk on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/oracledk/art/2099-in-Shattered-Dimensions-751515062Oracledk

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2099 in Shattered Dimensions



    Yeah 2099 proves the developers didn't know too much about him. For instance they mention the fact he's faster and had to be given a Spider sense for gameplay purposes. But Miguel is cracking jokes something he doesn't really do. Miguel does joke in his normal life but it's less to be funny but more to make fun of someone. His villains except for 1 are made up, side note his final boss Dr Ock 2099 is said to be part of the shadow division of Alchemax. Which is pretty funny since in 2099 they wouldn't need one since they basically run the country, and given Miguel was part of the corporate raider program you would assume it would have been part of it. Also, a Hobgoblin shows up and Miguel mentions that he wasn't the first Goblin, which kinda fits as there were 2 goblin characters. The biggest being that his suit is blue and not like the writers keep saying EVERY 5 SECONDS!!!!

There is an alternate version of in 2009 crossover called 'Timestorm' where Scorpion 2099 came from but even saying this is suppose to this version of him is a bit off. As that version of Miguel is a teenager and already has a Spider sense. Side note this verion actually has 2 different suit a black one that he burns and a blue one which he's most well known for.
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Touch-Not-This-Cat's avatar

Always had more than a few plot problems with him. His suit is indestructible, but because of its flexibility, can’t fully protect from kinetic bombardment. Uh, so that means a hail of bullets is no worse than getting badly beaten up while naked??? No, That OUGHT to mean he’d be a meat pulp slurry in a bag, like a fresh blood sausage. It’s ridiculous.