Kill Your MonstersOpheliaNevermore on DeviantArt

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Kill Your Monsters



purge your soul
okay so this could be taken as philosophical and ~*~deep~*~ or something but it's really not. there are no metaphors here, that monster is real and etienne did literally stab it multiple times with her very cute knife (i mean cmon look at it, it's got a heart carved into the blade that's cute). 
that's essentially what her story is about! killing the monsters!
amongst other things, but mostly killing monsters. known as abominations, they are creatures that are born from and feed off of failure. negative emotion is a draw for them, and in particularly populated, emotion-dense areas, abominations are hiding in every trashcan and under every manhole cover. normally etti could not give any less of a fuck about this and would be perfectly fine with letting monsters maul her neighbors to death. but, through a couple of unfortunate circumstances and wacky happenings, she's been forced onto the Stab Monsters To Death Patrol
at least it's a good outlet to relieve a lil stress?
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© 2018 - 2025 OpheliaNevermore
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Mightydein's avatar
Your characters are not very to draw.

 I really love how you have incorporated knowledge of human anatomy in even your most simple of drawings.

 You are really great at drawing female hands.

 The Girl herself is very cute.

 I love how you play around with color in each new drawing.