::Time for Cuddles:: KreighzeeOpalAcorn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/opalacorn/art/Time-for-Cuddles-Kreighzee-371538697OpalAcorn

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::Time for Cuddles:: Kreighzee



This is a couple OC , commission requested by :iconkreighzee: in my "Last Unicorn Pony Traditional" Style.

Sorrel Sky is owned by :iconhaventide:
Erin Go Bragh is owned by :iconkreighzee:

This artwork is traditional, colored via CS2.

After I sketched this drawing, I went to attempt to ink it, but found that it was way too complex to risk mis-inking, if that makes sense..
I can't erase Ink, and I didn't want to ruin the picture and start all over from scratch like I have before in previous inking artworks.. so I didn't ink this one..

It was drawn/sketched with a .5mm pencil (the thinnest detailed pencil I have) I would have inked it with a .5 mm Inking pen, but again it was a big risk.
However if =kreighzee wished to have the line art INKED, I can ink it for them and send them the line art as inked.

This artwork took me almost 2 hours, maybe a few minutes more.. (imagine how much more time it would have taken had I inked it XD)
Anyhow, Hope they like it!!

My little pony owned by HASBRO.
Image size
1084x690px 397.98 KB
MP560 series
© 2013 - 2025 OpalAcorn
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ivyhaze's avatar
this is so perfect!! you're just amazing, love. ;u; <3<3