Nakoruruopal-tea on DeviantArt

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opal-tea's avatar


Character  nakoruru


It's Nakoruru from Samurai Shodown!! She was my role-play character from when I was a kid, so she has a special place in my heart. Nakoruru is an Ainu priestess, she fights to protect the spiritual forces of Nature. Although she maintains a pacifistic attitude, she's willing to use whatever force is necessary if it means protecting those she loves.

So uh, this was a lot of fun to work on. :') Her design is so cool and I really wanted to add more embroidery details because I'm just all about that shit!!!! But I was advised that I should stick to her in-game model. Which is totally fine! The only thing I couldn't figure out was her dagger. :shrug:

I was actually supposed to post this like.. a week ago but I had to go to the dentist. :[ Anyway I hope y'all like it. Please make sure to check out my facebook page if you haven't already!
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1800x2400px 1.48 MB
© 2020 - 2025 opal-tea
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