Ookami-Seishin's avatar


Random person, random art. xD
43 Watchers548 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
  • Aug 2, 1991
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (110)
My Bio

-->PlEaSe ReAd Dear all DA Users, I just wish to say a huge thank you to everyone who favourites my work, add comments to it and add me to their watch list.

I wish I had the time to thank everyone individually for the things mentioned above, and while I try my best to do this, there might be occasions where I miss people out. Please don't think that I'm rude, or couldn't be bothered as this isn't the case. ^^ Also if I fav your work, comment on it or add you to my watch and you thank me and I don't say you're welcome or anything again it's not because I'm being mean. Just know that I would have replied if I could have and that you really deserved it. ^^

Thankidoodles if you actually read that. xD Hug
Kind Regards,

My beautiful, wonderful other half. :iconkoichi-han:
------>Glomp! :iconksalien::iconrebeccavampire::iconglaiceana::iconscrambledeggzone::iconcourtney6797::iconbrideofmaggots::iconalirose5:

+++WARNING+++: Seriously talented people below!! Proceed at your own risk & be careful of over exposure to awesomeness. :D (Big Grin)

:iconglaiceana:'s gallery is amazing!! It's a nice blend of fantasy and realism with some beautiful colours going on too, it's a very interesting gallery to browse through. Her traditional and digital work is very inspirational to me. She has a real knack for bringing life into her art whether it be a realistic piece or a fantasy one. You inspire so much to get better in my art, thank you so much my awesome friend Tight Hug x

:iconbrideofmaggots:'s gallery consists of beautiful drawings with an incredibly delicate quality and bursting at the seams with such charm and character. She has a wonderfully unique style, not only this but she writes amazing fan fics! Aww :D (Big Grin) x

:iconblackstorm: Whoa! Where do I start? blackstorm's gallery is an awesome mix of digital and traditional fanart. Not only is it filled withawesomeness but it's the best anime fan art I have EVER seen. This gallery is a MUST for Bleach fans (especially if you're a grimmy or ichigo fan lol. :P (Lick))

(This is kind of new section to my DA ID lol, I will add more artists later but I figured it best to ask for their permission first before I feature them here. >. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Headbang!You all Rawwwwwwwwk!! Headbang!

V Stamp Book V

I love Iguanas by WishmasterAlchemist

Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Stamp 2012 by Ookami-Seishin
About Me:
Meh, dunno what to say??? XD
Video games ♥

+I love all animals of any shape, size, species. They're all awesome. =3
+ I'm a student and I study Computer Games Technology
+ If I had a dalmation, I'd call it Stripes for a laugh! XD
+I like eating chocolate whilst drinking Coca Cola.
+In my spare time (which isn't much at all lol >. +I'm obsessed with vampires and like any TV show, Film or Anime/Manga, book to do with them.
+I Heart being random.
+I like helping people and ask for/expect nothing in return. ^^

The MOST important thing to mention though, is my family and friends are the most important thing in my life. If you do anything to upset them, I'll be asking Light Yagami to write your names in his DeathNote!!
Nuff sed, have a nice day now!!! ^_^

Only joking lol but still! ¬¬ =P (Razz)

My art is usually:
+Traditional art (which is craptastic I know lol, 'practice makes perfect'-theoretically! xD)
+Computer Graphics for YOU (Wallpapers, Icons, Stamps etc.)

Unfortunately I'm unable to take any requests from people unless they're my bezzies. So sorry peeps, I just don't ave the time. ='[

Current Residence: United Kingdom
Favourite genre of music: Anything-Depends on my mood tbh. I listen to all genres though. =]
Favourite photographer: Those on my watch list here of course. =3
Favourite style of art: Anime, Manga, Photography, Traditional, Digital....
Shell of choice: You mean seashells? All of them, they're all very prettyful ^-^
Skin of choice: What teh fudge???? O.o
Favourite cartoon character: Scooby Doo & LOADs of Anime characters.
Personal Quote: Compliments are gifts. Complimenting yourself is like buying your own b'day pressie! o.O xD

Favourite Visual Artist
YOU guys of course! xD Some seriously talented ppl here. ^^
Favourite Movies
It's not physically possible to list em all here. =P
Favourite TV Shows
Many animes, Scooby Doo, The Vampire Diaries, Being Human (Series 4) and loads more.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Again too many to name here. xP
Favourite Writers
Meh favourite poet is Dr. Seuss-talk about GENIUS!!
Favourite Games
Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, No More Heroes, Gears of War 1 & 2, Resident Evil series
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS3, PS2, Wii, 3DS/DS Lite, N64
Tools of the Trade
Photography, Pencils, Gel Pens, WaterColours, Photoshop
Other Interests
Photography, Music, Anime, Manga, Vampires, Animals, Far East, Ancient Egypt, Video Games

My Etsy Shop

0 min read
Hello everyone,I now have an Etsy shop selling adorable Legend of Zelda fairy themed products! ;D }O{ Please come and check it out, I ship worldwide! :D I’m highly passionate about providing you with fantastic customer service and high quality adorable, special Legend Of Zelda Fairy themed products for fair prices! My shop: https/www.etsy.com/shop/FairyCuteGifts Have a free text fairy-> }O{Story:- I first got the idea for my #Etsy shop on the 13th Oct when I went into a shop and saw loads of different, beautiful glass jars. }O{ Something just clicked in my brain and I was inspired to make light up Legend Of Zelda fairies in glass jars....
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Again it has been far too long since I posted a journal entry. I find it very difficult to know what to write in these things which is why I don't have a blog site lol. ^^" (There may be times in this journal where you think I'm showing off but I'm not. I'm not like that, I just wanted to talk about things that have really made me happy last year! :))Anyway I guess what I wanted to say is that I think I've made a lot of progress in the past year. Between 2008 and 2012, I really struggled with life, especially when I was at Uni from 2010-2012. It's near enough a year since I stopped going to Uni (I didn't officially drop out till April but ...
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Home sweet home

0 min read
First of all before I say anything else, I just wanna say SORRY!! I meant to let all of my internet friends know that I was going away but I ran out of time. So apologise if you thought I was being mean or ignoring you or something, I wouldn't do that. ;)Now before I start bablling on about my holiday I just wanna say that thanks to Being Human series 4. Because of that I've made 5 great friends and below I've featured some of their awesome BH fanart. ;):iconmewberry645: ->:thumb289965740: One of Apwil's fab, adorable Hal stamps!! :D  Be sure to check out her others too, they all rock! ;):iconXXroflnesshaXX: ->:thumb292468046: Nawww a Cutl...
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Profile Comments 241

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KatyAmlie's avatar
Found you on loveTWITTER ! and watched! :33

Just opened my twitter account, would be cool if you could join me at twitter.com/catazarch ^o^
MushCat97's avatar
ABBEY!! :D It's me Courtney x3 I'm so glad i found you on here again :D <3 xxx
Glaiceana's avatar
Thanks for the fav Abbey :)
TimmyTa's avatar
Thank-you for the watch. ^^*
C-c-cutler :D:D:D

Shadow--Gazer's avatar
Thanks for The watch!
sylwiaiiwo's avatar
Hello :iconkawaiifaceplz:
Thank you very much for the watch:iconawwwplz: it's a big complement to me. I promise I will do many more great drawings, better ones of course:iconhurrplz:
If you have any questions for me, just ask :icongrin--plz:
Anyway, I think that I have nothing else to say; Just you're welcome at my side:icondesiremeplz:
EasternGraySquirrel's avatar
Thanks so much for the favorites and the watch! I will do my best to post lots of cool squirrel photos!