BokehOnyx-Tigeress on DeviantArt

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Onyx-Tigeress's avatar




:bulletpurple::bulletblue::bulletpink: Featured by the wonderfully talented *loukapics! :bulletpink::bulletblue::bulletpurple:

:bulletpurple::bulletpink::bulletblue: A terrible ten minute manipulation :bulletblue::bulletpink::bulletpurple:

I'd like for the background to be darker. For the bokeh texture itself to blend in and stand out more.
Boy isn't that a contradiction. :p
The texture of the iris isn't the best, but I like the colors. I thought aside from running out of the iris itself that came out good.
But sometimes manipulating a photo afterwords comes out with some funky results. :shrug:

:? Want to see more??? .Clickity...Clickity. :eager:


:bulletpink: My Manipulation Method
:bulletblue: Tutorial for Prepping Stock Photos
:bulletpurple: Glitter Texture
:bulletblue: GIMP 2.6.8
:bulletpink: Photoshop Brushes to GIMP Tutorial without Conversion!
:bulletblue: Copyright Rules
:bulletpurple: Stock Photo
Image size
800x600px 848.02 KB
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themysticalmediator's avatar
This brain may have ignorance of the art of photo manipulation or its highest and lowest potential; but these eyes (mine) regardless know when something is worthy of praise, and since my eyes were drawn to this like magnets, I praise you for a wonderful work of art. ~:heart: I don't regret for a second putting this is my favorites, and I only fav an elite, select collection of art that I feel has really caught my eye, or just seems special. The eye is the window to the soul; a wonderful center for literature and artwork indeed. I'm glad you seem humble and anxious to improve, very, but don't be afraid to have a little pride in your masterpiece in the meantime. ;) There will always be those who adore you frame of mind, and the beautiful images it can produce, and those who pay it no mind or are not in favor of it, no matter what, all sides will exist whether you see it or not. Which one will you be a part of? In conclusion well done. There's no art that can make a girls day like a breathtaking eye. :rose: I even make some myself. [link] But it's really only a sketch.