this account shouldn't exists... shame on me for draw this! shame on you for being here!
often i end up posting them on Newgrounds since they keep the quality! if you want to support me, the Patreons get to see everything i do a month early!
they aren't minors, im not into minors if thats your concern.
i already explained all you asked me to, i feel we are going in circles here.
i understand if you find it uncomfortable because in your mind they are babies and childhood memories, its okay, its NOT the case of MY piece, but i get it.
you don't need to enjoy it, it rubs you the wrong way, but after all i explained i hope you understand that what you insinuate is not the case, please stop doing assumptions about my work and my person.
thank you.
i mean, that IS the main concern, to wish again, they are depicted as adults.
i already answered why i used this characters in particular
and has nothing to do with the canon age... they aren't shrunk on the canon, or are a couple, or play like this in the canon.
this is clearly a fantasy scenario where rules are altered, an AU if you wish, that goes independent from the canon.
hope this clarifies it
i assure you they are not and never will be depicted as minors by me.
the appeal of the character is not meant to signal anything like that, is not that they are minors (cuz here they are not here and they arent meant to look like it), the reason to use this character is merely because is the default character YOU use when playing this game, so it feels more personal because is one's avatar of sorts.
hope that answers your concerns!