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“Do you know who Ash’s father is?”
Gary looked up so startled that he dropped the magazine he was reading. It fell fluttering to the floor in a similar decent to a dying insect.
"What?" He rasped.
“Ash’s father,” Misty repeated, feeling an onset of regret. “I don’t hear much about him. Maybe… Maybe he would know where Ash is?”
-The Blind Alley: Chpt 6
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I'm getting a better hang of this. But I still feel like I need to learn better coloring styles with sai. I'm still not completely satisfied with how the pieces come out after I'm done. But I'm having fun trying to figure it out.
Gary looked up so startled that he dropped the magazine he was reading. It fell fluttering to the floor in a similar decent to a dying insect.
"What?" He rasped.
“Ash’s father,” Misty repeated, feeling an onset of regret. “I don’t hear much about him. Maybe… Maybe he would know where Ash is?”
-The Blind Alley: Chpt 6
Interested in reading more?…
I'm getting a better hang of this. But I still feel like I need to learn better coloring styles with sai. I'm still not completely satisfied with how the pieces come out after I'm done. But I'm having fun trying to figure it out.
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1024x940px 422.47 KB
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Ash´s father is Pikachu