{To quote the Raven}OneLuigiFag on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/oneluigifag/art/To-quote-the-Raven-873133673OneLuigiFag

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OneLuigiFag's avatar

{To quote the Raven}



Behold this wonderful child of mine, Raven Cauliflower, why at the moment I'm proud of that I have so far, I feel as if I let you all down with, well, the pose, nothing wrong with it, it's a perfectly fine, confident pose, but that's the thing, at the start of the story, this confidence is beyond rare, as you'd should know, she has Panophobia, with that brilliant mind of hers, she could do wonders in the wonders of medicine and mechanics, and within her Steam-punk vs. Diesel-punk world, she could even be the first to discover how to harness the power of electricity, just, she needs to come out of her shell of course.

Think her and Abbie could make for a perfect duo, Abbie could help walk her through, cope and face her many, many fears, while Raven could teach Abbie on how to plan and critically think through your problems first, rather then shoot your problems way like some trigger happy brute.

Think I might come back to fix anything I find wrong like what I did with Mikey's pic, but for now, I hope you enjoy.*Free Icon/Emote* Pusheen (...I Wuv It!)

Edit: Skin-tone was too ashy, colors too dull, watched Thumin's video for some critical advice, hope you still enjoy this pic!
Here's the video if you're interested: youtu.be/maAXP3VEWk4

Edit2: Saturated skin tone by 10%
added some more lighting.
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1667x2925px 1.12 MB
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YourClairyGodmother's avatar

She looks gorgeous, Issy! (BTW how are you doing?)