One-Man-One-Woman's avatar


Years Ago
122 Members140 Watchers

Wedding Prayer by rev-rizeup, literature

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anonymous's avatar
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GospelGoth's avatar
You are making Jesus mad
YourClairyGodmother's avatar
As a lesbian Christian, I'd just like to say: you're all disgusting and shouldn't be spreading all this nasty stuff about homosexuals. Jesus never spread rumors or lied. So why do you feel comfortable doing it?
AgnusPrime's avatar
If this site had a feature to rename groups, this one should be, "One-Man-One-Jar"
Calem-Kun's avatar
You're giving straight people a bad name. Keep your homophobic shit to yourself
SweetPolkaDots13's avatar

or either Chirstians.

Sukala-AP's avatar
Straights are definitely not okay, here.