Chirped (Chirp) GypedOmigir on DeviantArt

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Chirped (Chirp) Gyped



Yet another D&D character I wont get to play. Chirp is a 5e beast master ranger with a splash of barbarian. The concept is that Chirp, a kobold, uses his beast companion (A 5e panther re-skinned into a Deinonychus) as a mount using the mounted feat so he could keep it alive. 

Chirp is driven to adventure by the desire to collect rare and exotic items to sell. How valuable, rare or exotic the items he sells are is questionable to all but him. 
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LizzyGibbs3D's avatar
I really like this idea! And now I have this idea of a trade caravan with riders mounted on these feathery beasties. Or a kobold adventuring party on a grand epic. 

And now I want to play a dino-riding kobold, too.