Ophelia Blowing AwayOmgItsEmily on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/omgitsemily/art/Ophelia-Blowing-Away-81497316OmgItsEmily

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Ophelia Blowing Away



This is a personal narrative we had to do, on scratchboard. The whole thing is pretty symbolic, but honestly I don't feel like explaining everything. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it, though. :]

...I seem to have a thing for drawing marionettes.

Oh, and the flowers in her hand are pansies, violets, rue, and daisies. There's some rosemary in the ground a little farther off, but a good inch got cut off on every side because my scanner sucks and is too small. D:

When I was working on this in art, like everyone and their mother was all like, "OMFG THAT IS LYKE TIM BURTON". And I was like, "NOES. D:" I guess I fail at being original.
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660x908px 581.16 KB
© 2008 - 2025 OmgItsEmily
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tenko72's avatar
I like her dress and how it flows as she swings. Nice scene!