Hello everyone! I'd just like to start this by thanking all of you who have watched me and supported me on this site for almost ten years now. Considering exactly the sort of things this site has done over the past few years, I could decide to move most of my art to another site instead. This process won't happen over night, nor do I know for sure if I'll deactivate this account in the future. I personally don't like the idea of leaving DA, because I've been here since the beginning of my art activity. I treat this site like the home page of my browser. I have a huge sentimental felling for my whole portfolio here, and have thousands of likes, that I'd probably not sink the time into trying to save most of them into my hard drive.
I'll keep you guys up to date with any decisions that I make in the future so be sure to keep a heads up for any news. In the meantime please know that I really appreciate the support you guys have given me over the years, I am really grateful.