WIP: Malachai + Laurifer walkOlsCa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/olsca/art/WIP-Malachai-Laurifer-walk-339755752OlsCa

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OlsCa's avatar

WIP: Malachai + Laurifer walk



Because i'm one of those people who upload WIPs now. Far from done, far from perfect (in particular that right front leg of the horse). BUT YES. That's what WIPs are for, i suppose.
No, but yes, really really want to finish this one, if it's here I'll have to finish it sometime, not just forget about it.
Yes. So. Malachai - the man - and Laurifer - the horse.
Mal is an old character of mine, Laurifer a new addition in this short story I'm currently writing about Mal's origin, so this would be set in the early iron age.

Gotta set this on hold for a while. Silly uni with all the exams and assessments. Maybe I'll finish it - and the short story - during the summer, if there's time (possibly, but little likely before summer). In any case. Both are going up when - if - I ever finish it. n_n

Mal & Laurifer, design, and charaters are © me
Torso refrence by ~BODYSTOCKS
Fur tutorial by *Snowpuddles
Horse reference by *aussiegal7
Image size
1500x2000px 1.23 MB
© 2012 - 2025 OlsCa
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Snow-sauria's avatar
*flails around*
This is awesome. I have always envied your skills when it comes to drawing humans - and I do even more now. ;; Mal looks badass. And Laurifer. ♥

Look forward to see this finished. n_n