Headless Pterosaurolofmoleman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/olofmoleman/art/Headless-Pterosaur-57408398olofmoleman

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Headless Pterosaur



When seeing a pic of this fossil:
I became curious how it looked and what it was, since it only said it was a cast of a Pterodactyloid, so I made a reconstruction of it to have a better look at the bones and all the proportions, and obviously the head and neck are completely missing, I also noticed the hands and feet are unusually small. Though I still don't know wich Genus this Pterosaur belongs to...

Made in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Pterosauria
Family: Pterodactylidae
Image size
1422x2000px 616.19 KB
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