Olli-Riedel-Fans's avatar


Years Ago
34 Members30 Watchers

Vote for Rammstein! by rammoholic, journal

Rammstein getting blamed in the media...AGAIN? by DojoUndMolin, journal

The song about Rammstein published! by rammoholic, journal

Comments 21

anonymous's avatar
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Mave221B's avatar
Hi! Thanks for letting me join this group :squee:
raaawwwwr83's avatar
here I am, trying to submit my stuff into folders so you don't have to sort it, but all I can choose is featured :< if you don't want my stuff there, you'll have to move it
rammoholic's avatar
Well you can only submit to the groups if you're a member. Maybe there's something wrong with that...I dunno
raaawwwwr83's avatar
I joined it now :3
VittoriaOttilia's avatar
I would like to join this group, but I have some problem!
please can anybody help me? :/
rammoholic's avatar
it's fixed, feel free to join now dear! :D :hug:
VittoriaOttilia's avatar
awwwwwwwwww thanks!!!!
I'm doing it ^_____________^ :hug: :XD: