OldSchoolDegrassi's avatar


Good Guess, Goofball!
333 Watchers

Gone and deleted two other possible 'posts' depicting a certain hypocritical manbaby cause I don't care to have this account TERMINATED over a snowflake who cannot take a heap of FUCKING criticism.

Like I said....you cannot CENSOR him for it's a crime apparently, but it's A-OH FUCKING KAY for him to go and censor you simply because HE cannot stand what you have to say about his sorry ass!

Typical lolcow I say.

#spencerkarter #joke #InternetSnowflake #moron #cantstandthemanbaby #pathetic #hypocrite #censored #freespeechmahass #fuckyoudeviantART #whatwasremovedwasNOTsexual #wrongfulremoval

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Just got this.......and needless to say I am not happy one bit!

How is what was removed 'sexual' when all it was was a depiction of an overgrown MANBABY wearing a soiled diaper crying about how much he sorely misses now former US President and absolute failure Joe Biden?!

Spencer Karter, I'm sure you're the one who once again CENSORED me.

You are such a massive fucking hypocrite, pal.....it's NOT OK to censor you, yet it's perfectly A-OH FUCKING KAY to censor others.

Dude, get a life and seriously GO FUCK YOURSELF.

And also, grow the fuck up!

39 going on 40, yet still acts and behaves more like a fucking terrible two year old.......pathetic.

Autism be damned!

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Lately, I've been getting Direct Messages on my fanfiction account inbox from supposed 'artists' looking for commissions to turn your stories into art.

Screenshot 2025-02-10 153138

I often get these messages here on DeviantART as well, giving me false and rather fake praise before asking 'permission' to use my art for video games or other crocks of bullshit so I'm certainly no stranger to this shit.

As a matter of fact, I'm rather fed up with getting crap like this online!

Screenshot 2025-02-10 153151
Screenshot 2025-02-10 153203
Screenshot 2025-02-10 153214

This one particular message had to put the title of one of my stories in brackets which tells me they're clearly BSin' cause if they really 'loved' the story, why aren't there any reviews from this Eleanor person or even have it in their 'favorites'?!

Screenshot 2025-02-10 153226

The internet has truly changed for the worst.

So, my answer to these messages is this:

NO, I'M NOT INTERESTED! First off, can't afford it and second, I can do my own art, thank you very much.

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