Old-Saxon-speakers's avatar


Gihori god, min gibed
Years Ago
12 Members8 Watchers

The Fall of Man - Frisian by sewandrere, literature

Citations by Rousseau by sewandrere, literature

North Sea West-Germanic Languages Extracts by sewandrere, literature

Old Saxon Law by sewandrere, literature

The Yde Girl (in Low Saxon, Dutch and German) by sewandrere, literature

Testimony from New Age groups - in 4 languages by sewandrere, literature

Stonehenge for Kinnern - Plattdeutsch by sewandrere, literature

Ketteln mit Woor' ? - Plattdeutsch by sewandrere, literature

Unner mienen Boom (Deel 2) - Plattdeutsch by sewandrere, literature

Unner mienen Boom (Deel 1) - Plattdeutsch by sewandrere, literature

Comments 8

anonymous's avatar
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Azenetha's avatar
You know what? It would be soooo awesome if you could make some kind of a wordlist! :) and pronounciation list...
sewandrere's avatar
It is coming don't worry ;) I'll let you know when I submit my Old Saxon dictionary, I'm currently finishing it^^ it's long xD
Azenetha's avatar
Ohh, thank you! :D you should know how much I've always wanted to learn just a bit of the old saxon language ;)
sewandrere's avatar
Really did you know it before???!!! WOW someone who seems to show few interest in it!!! I discovered this last year and for 1 year I've been trying to make it more 'popular' (lol), I started gathering grammar features and then made templates on wiktionary.org (I made this all : [link] and greatly worked on this page: [link] ), I also supported the making of an OS wikipedia (that will never be created unfortunately^^: [link] ) and now I do mostly on dA!!

By the way I started my vocab ist in Old Saxon: [link] Will make a pronounciation sheet later ;)