Fizzgig!okami-wildclaw on DeviantArt

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okami-wildclaw's avatar




Name ~ Fizzgig
Species ~ domestic red fox
Color ~ crystal
Gender ~ male
Size ~ 58"

My crystal fox has a name now! It's Fizzgig! If your wondering how I got the name; I was noticing that his tail is way darker (and browner) then my other crystal fix tails, so I figure, maybe I'll name him something from the movie "the dark crystal" since it's one of my all time favorite movies (if you haven't seen it, you should, its amazing) and I was thinking through the characters and was like "what's brown and fluffy in the dark crystal?" And that's fizzgig! The crazy dog like creature who is absolutely insane, so now this boy's name is Fizzgig

Also, ive decided to make this guy a "cuddle pelt" ive put eyes on him and sewed soft fabric to his leather side which makes him perfect for cuddling since he's got more soft surface area than a cased skin and I dont need to worry about breaking his face like a soft mount, and my cat absolutely loves to sleep laying on him, it's adorable 

I did not kill this fox, nor was he killed for me, I respect your opinion if you dont like taxidermy, but I do ask that if you dont like, dont look or comment, its that simple
Image size
1280x800px 2.22 MB
© 2016 - 2025 okami-wildclaw
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VulpineMystery's avatar
Oh my goodness, the eyes. :o (Eek)