Otaku stampOkami-Moony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/okami-moony/art/Otaku-stamp-191116142Okami-Moony

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Otaku stamp



Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with interests as anime, manga, or video games.

Some of Japan's otaku use the term to describe themselves and their friends semi-humorously, accepting their position as fans, and some even use the term proudly, attempting to reclaim it from its negative connotations.

I don't consider it as an insult, so... Besides, in my country (Spain) there are anime conventions, shops, websites, etc. with the word otaku in their names.

I don't want to be rude but if you send me negative notes about this stamp I'll just ignore them. Seriously people, it's okay if you don't like it but don't tell me about that.

You're free to use this stamp ;)
Image size
99x56px 9.58 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Okami-Moony
BlackRoseVale's avatar
It's crazy how some people can use it as an insult, I mean in Japan, manga and anime are practically the general norm :disbelief:. And I love manga and anime and video games, so I'm also proud to be an otaku!!! :w00t:

But I guess the ones who throw the word around like it's an insult are the ones missing out after all!!! :XD:
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