YCH ohmuaru (CLOSED)ohmuaru on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ohmuaru/art/YCH-ohmuaru-CLOSED-1135893437ohmuaru

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ohmuaru's avatar

YCH ohmuaru (CLOSED)



This auction is also active on ych commishes: https://ych.commishes.com/auction/show/3VIPQ/ych-ohmuaru/

You can bid on the ych commishes or in the comment section on DA ( I will bid for you on the ych commishes site from my account)!

! Please check the info/new bids/time on ych commishes as well ! This auction will end after 3 days/as soon as the auction ends on ych commishes it closes on DA !

> 2 characters

> Any gender

> Any species

> Any expressions

SB: 5$ 

MIN: 1$ 

AB: 200$

Tier list: (www.deviantart.com/ohmuaru/art…)

> Sketch - 5$

> Base color - 35$

> Semi render - 55$

> Full render - 90$

> AB - 200$ (full rendered art + bonus semi rendered art)


- Only PayPal, please. Prepayment 100% (I will begin to work after full payment)

- You cannot: ask for a refund or exchange, use/sell art in commerce!

- Place bids in the comments under my message or on the site, following the link (ych commishes)! I will be cross-posting the bids from DA to ych commishes and adding your nickname to the list there!

- After the auction on ych commishes ends (3 days) and there will be no bids at all (on DA as well) , the current YCH will be on sale for the next 3 days, in case it's not sold - I will restart auction at the original price once again!

- If you have won, please contact me via notes or wait until I write to you myself!

- If you have any suggestions/questions, please let me know in the comments (NOT under FEATURED comment) or message me on notes!

- I will contact you as soon as possible! The waiting time for a response from you is 48+|- hours, please let me know if you want to cancel your order, don't make me wait too long

- Please be prepared to send me a screenshot of your payment so I can record everything, thank you! Also, be careful, it is unlikely someone will pretend to be me, but still better to double-check and clarify the information! - I will be posting the finished art on my social media (YCH commishes portfolio, Deviantart, twitter) If you want it to be with a watermark or you don't want the piece to be posted at all - let me know in advance please!

Check out new set price commissions !

Image size
3500x2700px 2.06 MB
© 2024 - 2025 ohmuaru
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